
Have you ever wondered how much energy it takes to run your TV, computer or kitchen appliance? hg8868皇冠下载 has teamed up with libraries throughout Idaho to help you find out!

Check out an 能源 Efficiency Kit at your 本地公共图书馆 学习节约能源和金钱的方法. 该套件的特点是杀死一瓦特计, a device that measures the energy consumption of appliances in your home, instructions for using the meter and tips for saving energy.

Note: Program continuation, eligibility requirements and terms and conditions apply.



All you have to do is plug the Kill A Watt meter into a standard, 三脚电源插座, then plug your appliance into the meter. The meter will measure the amount of power being used, helping you identify potential savings by either unplugging items when not in use or replacing the item with a more energy-efficient model.

例如, if you frequently leave your TV on all day, 不管有没有人在看, you can measure how much power it uses in a set period. From there, you can multiply the power used by your 当前电费 to see how much money you can save by turning it off when it’s not being watched.


For directions on Kill A Watt meter use, please refer to the instruction brochure included with the meter.

  1. 选择您要测量的设备.
  2. Enter the meter value for the appliance you are measuring and select the appropriate value (watts or kWh).
  3. 输入下列任意一项:
    1. 测量瓦? Enter the hours used per day/week/month (select one). 注:20分钟= 0.33小时等.
    2. 测量千瓦时? Enter the “Hour” reading from the meter.
  4. Calculator will calculate the kWh per month used and the estimated cost per month for the use of the selected appliance.
设备 计值 小时使用 千瓦时/莫 美国东部时间. 成本/莫
每月千瓦时 {{设备.kwhPerMonth}}
每月费用 {{设备.costPerMonth}}
每月估计总费用: {{totalMonthlyCost}}